Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Geronimo under pressure

One fine day at the farm, it was decided that the oldest rooster in the coop had seen his final hour. This decision was aided to a large extent by the arrival of the new rooster (see previous post for that one´s antics), no doubt.

Our resident farm expert, Gimena (pronounced Himena) headed over to the farm compost heap - apparently rooster blood is really good for compost - with Alex (long term volunteer holding rooster in question), Sasha, Derek & Margo (two short-term volunteers from Seattle) in tow. Yours truly stayed at home in order to avoid witnessing the grisly scene. On the way to the compost heap, Alex thought aloud that the rooster shouldn´t die without a name - and it was promptly named Geronimo.

After a pretty gruesome death by all witness accounts, Geronimo´s weird parts were cooked for consumption on the same day - I won´t go into further detail here. His not so weird parts were saved in (possibly the farm´s only) refrigerator to be cooked the next day. Stuart (the farm program coordinator) lent us a pressure cooker for the deed.

We had a strange situation on our hands - on the one hand, there was the person who knew how to operate a pressure cooker (that would be me) who wanted to have nothing to do with the chicken...and then we had the chicken-happy camp that had never worked a pressure cooker. Our cooking sojourn began with 45 minutes of chicken under pressure (Geronimo was a tough, old guy) and was interrupted by a loud POP when Sasha tried to force the pressure cooker open blasting chicken bits and soup over the kitchen floor, walls and ceiling (in my defense, I was standing two feet away telling him to let more air out of the cooker). One of the chicken pieces even made it into a ladle hanging nearby...ready to serve.

To our credit, we continued with cooking the rest of the meal, STILL using the pressure cooker though I was its sole operator this time. Our hypothesis is that Stuart lends the pressure cooker to new volunteers whenever he wants the volunteer house kitchen cleaned. Of course, it could very well be Geronimo taking his revenge from the grave...


Ash said...

Hilarious read! Not that I know Sasha really well or anything, but even from the couple of times that I've met him, I can totally see the pressure cooker story unfold as if I was there!

Y Trip said...

Couldn't help LOL :)

At least Geronimo got his own back :)

Unknown said...

Hilarious :) Though I had a similar incident with a pressure cooker with not so funny consequences....had to be taken to the hospital for a concussion (where the lid hit my head!) and 2nd degree burns :( So be careful!

karen said...

they let you in charge of the pressure cooker?? the only experience i have with pressure cookers is when the two of us tried to cook popcorn in one in lausanne. it over filled and we had to break the seal (and the pressure cooker) to get the popcorn out.