Why is it that regardless of where you may have grown up in the Middle East, most people (and I do mean most) remember it to be Dubai? Exceptions to this rule would be friends and family who grew up IN Kuwait and perhaps those who grew up in Dubai themselves (they remember you are not from there).
I have a couple of theories.
The first one is pretty simple - Dubai has just been in the news more than most cities or even countries in the Middle East. So if one doesn't think about the Middle East too often, Dubai may be the most accessible place (embedded in one's consciousness i.e.) and, therefore, the easiest to roll off the tongue.
Then there is the impression-you-make-on-people theory. In addition to just being in the news, Dubai has probably been there for more "good" reasons than other cities - the economy, the construction, the financing deals, and so on - the financial crisis nonwithstanding. Thus, if the person in question thinks of you in a positive light and knows you grew up in the Middle East, they make a mental connection to Dubai. This is inspite of you having mentioned Kuwait (more than once) and possibly even having discussed being there during the first Gulf War. If this is true, I wonder where they would think you were from if the light wasn't so flattering...Iraq?